Design.Create.Impress. ✨ #9

Innovate & Create: Your Weekly Design & Tech Digest

🪩 Website of the Week

How to sell an “innovative“ salad with an elegant, clean website: Simpler is better!

🗃️ Resources

A must-try tool! Will Figma integrate this feature soon? Should Figma also become a no-code platform? I believe this is the next logical step.

🗞️ Articles

Are Designers Undervalued?
In today's AI-driven world, many companies are underestimating the true value of designers. While AI can be a valuable tool, it cannot replace the creativity, human touch, and strategic thinking that designers bring to the table.

Designers are not just decorative elements; they are essential for the success of any product or business. They understand user needs, create engaging experiences, and drive innovation.

Don't undervalue your skills!
As a designer, you have a wealth of knowledge and experience that is invaluable to businesses. Don't let the rise of AI diminish your worth. Instead, embrace it as an opportunity to enhance your skills and become even more indispensable.

Remember, you are a valuable asset to any team. Don't be afraid to demand the respect and compensation you deserve.

Thanks f🫶r reading!

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