Design.Create.Impress. ✨ #12

Innovate & Create: Your Weekly Design & Tech Digest

🪩 Website of the Week

A very clear, clean, and informative website with a minimalistic and essential design, complemented by simple yet tidy animations.

🗃️ Resources

Don't underestimate the power of design systems, even for small projects!

Do you think design systems are just for big companies? Think again! Having a clear idea of the components in your project, no matter the size, is a game-changer. Here's why:

  • Faster, smoother design: Imagine designing with pre-made Legos ️. Components let you build screens quickly and consistently.

  • Cleaner, happier code: Developers love components too! They mean less repetitive code and a more efficient, organized project. It's a win-win!

  • A better user experience (UX) and user interface (UI): A well-defined design system ensures everything looks and feels polished, keeping your users happy

So next time you start a project, big or small, take a moment to think about your design system. It'll make your life (and your developer's life) so much easier!

Take a look for some Design System examples also here

🗞️ Articles

Is Work Taking Over Your Life? The Tech Industry's Tightrope Walk

The tech industry thrives on innovation, often at a frenetic pace. But this relentless push can leave employees precariously balanced on a tightrope. Burnout is a real concern, with a staggering 42% of tech workers reporting high levels, according to a recent study by Future Forum [source on tech employee burnout]. This isn't just a hunch – it's reflected in metrics like disengagement, where employees are physically present but mentally checked out.

A report by McKinsey & Company found that over 52% of burned-out employees in tech cannot disconnect from work after hours, further hindering their ability to recharge and return energized. This can have cascading effects on productivity and overall happiness.

Thanks f🫶r reading!

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